I Married A Merman

I Married A Merman

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I Married A Merman

She belongs to a different world.

Struck  by a strange illness that confounds human doctors, Neera turns to alien  physicians instead. The prognosis? She’s not what she always believed  herself to be—Earth’s atmosphere is slowly killing her. Too broke to  afford the insane cost of relocating to a new, more suitable world,  Neera turns in desperation to the Prime Mating Agency. The match? A sexy  merman, with pink scales, scarlet hair, and a voice that makes her toes  curl.

When  Echo hears the Agency has finally found a match for him, he’s over the  moon. Finding out his mate’s weakened health will require much caring  and nurturing during her recovery has his protective instincts surging  forward. Despite some initial awkwardness, her courage, resilience, and  mischievous personality have him enthralled.

But  as Neera evolves into her true self, will this newfound haven become  toxic for her as well? Will she be forced to leave behind the blossoming  happiness she has found here with Echo?